The signs I’m talking about are the ones in front of the pharmacies and in your doctor’s offices saying “Get Your Flu Shot Here”. Next will be the newscasters telling us, once again, that this year’s flu is expected to be the worst in recent memory and you better get prepared now. They will quote CDC sources and statistics intending to drive you into action. From my perspective, there are 3 issues to be aware of... 1) How to prepare for getting a flu shot if that is your choice, 2) Alternatives to preventing the flu if the shot is not your cup of tea, and 3) What to keep in the medicine chest in case you do get the flu. Realize that getting any inoculation is a challenge to the immune system.[/caption]
Getting the Flu Shot
If you choose to get the flu shot, here are my “rules” to follow in order to have the best chance of avoiding the potential negatives. First of all, realize that getting any inoculation is a challenge to the immune system, and you are better served getting the shot on a day when your immune system isn’t already challenged. So on the day you intend to get your shot, if you wake up with a cough or scratchy throat, or even allergy symptoms...
that is not the best day to get the shot! Wait until you are at your best to get it. Secondly, Vitamin D plays a vital role with optimizing immune function. So taking higher doses of Vitamin D-3 for a couple of days before and after the shot will help you avoid any unwanted effects. 25,000 iu in the morning for two days before and two days after the shot works wonders. Lastly, inflammation (in response to the shot) seems to be a trigger leading to side effects in certain susceptible people. Icing the injection site for 20 minutes every hour for a few hours after getting the shot will help cut down on problems.
Alternatives for Preventing the Flu
For those folks that avoid the flu shot (like me) there are a couple of simple steps to take that are just as effective — maybe more — without the potential for side effects. [pull-quote side="left"]Did you know that they do not have a “flu season” along the equator?[/pull-quote] Did you know that they do not have a “flu season” along the equator? The reason is because people living there get exposure to Vitamin D-making sun all year long. One of the main reasons we get the flu here, when we do, is because of less exposure to the sun, and the resulting dwindling blood levels of Vitamin D. Taking Vitamin D-3 supplements throughout the flu season will drastically reduce your susceptibility to getting the flu (and many other infections too). There was a study done a few years ago where they gave the residents of a nursing home high doses of Vitamin D-3 during the flu season, but not to the staff working in the facility. The staff ended up getting the flu much more often than the residents, even though the residents were exposed to the sick staff. I usually recommend 5,000 iu of Vitamin D-3 every morning throughout the season. The best way to know if that dose is adequate is to have a blood test to determine the Vitamin D blood levels. Even though the test will say that a level of 30 is okay, we want to see it more in the 50-60 range. The other preventive treatment is a homeopathic remedy called Influenzinum, which is actually made from the flu vaccine each year. Three of these tiny pills, under the tongue, at the beginning of each month throughout the flu season works surprisingly well.
Treatment If You Get the Flu

There are a few supplements that can be helpful in treating the flu if you do happen to get sick during the season. Vitamin D-3 is the most versatile and effective tool available for treatment too. If you start to get any signs of the flu, start taking 25,000 iu daily for a few days and you will most likely stop the flu in it’s tracks. N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) is an amino acid that really helps break up congestion in the chest. This is a great tool to help avoid having the flu turn into pneumonia, especially for the elderly. The proper dosage is 1800mg of NAC, twice daily, on an empty stomach. [pull-quote side="left"]It's best to have these at your fingertips before you need them.[/pull-quote] There is a combination of two products from Standard Process that I have had excellent success with: Andrographis Complex and Congaplex. When combined, these two products boost the immune system through the use of certain herbs and through supporting the thymus gland. The proper dosage is two of each every four hours, starting at the first sign of flu symptoms. If getting the flu is a concern, it is best to have these products at your fingertips BEFORE you get the flu, because all of these treatments are the most effective when started at the very beginning of the flu process.
For Yourself
I have assembled my “
Flu Prevention and Treatment Kit” that puts all of the supplements that you will need together for you in one convenient package. The kit includes: [one-half] [list style="check"]
- A bottle of Healthy Origin’s Vitamin D-3 5,000 iu, 120 Capsules
- A bottle of Boiron’s Influenzinum 9C, 80 pellets
- A bottle of Well Being’s NAC Plus 600mg, 60 Capsules
- A bottle of Standard Process’ Congalpex, 40 Tablets
- A bottle of Standard Process’ Andrographis Complex, 40 Tablets
- A bottle of Natura’s Lung & Bronchial Tonic, 4 oz
[/list] [/one-half] [one-half last="y"] If you were paying the MSRP for all of these products, you would pay $103.30. If you were to buy them separately at our discounted prices, you would still pay $78.15. But I am making this “kit” available to you at the amazing price of $72.31 for a limited time. That is 30% off of MSRP!! And I’ll even ship to you for free!! [button size="large" color="green" url=""]Order your Flu Prevention & Treatment Kit Now »[/button] [/one-half]
For your family
If you are like me, and have a family to be concerned about as well, then you might be interested saving even more money with my “
Family Flu Prevention and Treatment Kit”, which includes: [one-half] [list style="check"]
- A bottle of Healthy Origin’s Vitamin D-3 5,000 iu, 360 Capsules
- 2 bottles of Boiron’s Influenzinum 9C, 80 pellets
- A bottle of Well Being’s NAC Plus 600mg, 120 Capsules
- A bottle of Standard Process’ Congalpex, 150 Tablets
- A bottle of Standard Process’ Andrographis Complex, 120 Tablets
- 2 bottles of Natura’s Lung & Bronchial Tonic, 4 oz
[/list] [/one-half] [one-half last="y"] With the Family Flu Kit, you save 30% off of MSRP, at the unheard of price of $170.60. [button size="large" color="green" url=""]Order your Family Flu Prevention & Treatment Kit Now »[/button] [/one-half]